Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Micro Journal

Regular readers of The MagPi will be familiar with the HackSpace ‘Top Projects’ feature. It’s a good place to find the most wonderfully weird builds. The January issue features an LED habit tracker and a pet piano that doubles as a food dispenser, but it’s this gloriously retro-looking, clicky-keyed device made by Un Kyu Lee that caught our eye.

The Micro Journal is built around a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

The internet is a giant distraction machine. How does anyone get any work done when they’re constantly plugged into the mental churn of social media, 24-hour news, and an endless supply of cute cat videos? It takes an iron will to ignore such distractions. Or, if you’re smarter than that, you could simply cut the distractions out of your life with something like the Micro Journal: a distraction-free writing device. 

Described by the maker as a “modern solution with a nostalgic twist, designed specifically for writers who crave focus and mobility”, this foldable device has all the charm of a vintage typewriter. Not only does it have deliciously clicky Cherry MX keys, it also uses some of the controls of vintage typewriters. Rather than changing line spacing via a drop-down menu in Microsoft Word, for example, the user rolls a physical knob. 

You can choose between AZERTY, QWERTY, DVORAK or any other key mapping you want — you can even remap individual keys to your personal preferences by copying a configuration file to an SD card in the device.

I want one!

Want one? The Micro Journal is out of stock right now, but you can join the waitlist to be notified when fresh stock lands at 6 pm Italian time every Wednesday. 

The MagPi #149 out NOW!

You can grab the new issue right now from Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, WHSmith, and other newsagents, including the Raspberry Pi Store in Cambridge. It’s also available at our online store, which ships around the world. You can also get it via our app on Android or iOS.

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The post Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Micro Journal appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

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